4 Common and 1 Secret Method of Losing Weight for Your Health Benefit

Published on 30 October 2024 08:04 AM
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I know you have already tried a lot: dietary restrictions, fitness marathons and dozens of other methods that promised quick results but did not work out. If you still want to lose weight and not kill yourself in the gym and eat delicious food, let me introduce myself: I am Andrey Brown, and at one time I was able to get out of the vicious circle of constant weight regain. In this article, I will describe my personal experience of achieving the desired weight without harm to health, stress, and significant restrictions in food.

I will tell you about 5 methods on how to lose about 22 lb in 6-8 weeks and maintain the result. Read to the end and find out the secret method, but for now... you need to start from the basics — finding a balance between your body and your mind.

Realize the Simple Truth — There Is No Magic Pill

In pursuit of the ideal shape, many people are looking for a miracle cure that will solve all problems, but this is not the solution. To start the process of losing weight, it is important to stop believing in miracles, and understand:

  • The difference between psychological and physical hunger. Often, cravings for food are not related to your body's needs, but to a reaction to stress or, for example, boredom. It is necessary to open the abscess and learn to cope with emotions without food;
  • Sports are only 20% of success. Physical activity improves overall tone and well-being. The remaining 80% of the result is proper nutrition and an active lifestyle;
  • The basis is a calorie deficit. If you eat more than you burn, your weight increases. When energy expenditure exceeds intake, your weight decreases. That's all the math. A conscious approach to choosing food is one of the guarantees of results.

When you accept these rules, your attitude to food and training will change, the result will become achievable, and, most importantly, it will be stable. Only then can you start losing weight and improving your diet.

Tip 1: Count Calories

This method will help you plan your diet correctly and not eat too much.

  • Find a calorie calculator online;
  • Enter your parameters and the counter will calculate the norm using the built-in formula;
  • Subtract 20% from this number to understand how many calories you need to intake per day.

Then it's a small thing: download any calorie counting app, preferably with the feature of scanning product barcodes, and enter each meal there. As practice shows, this is not difficult at all. Over time, you will learn to determine the norm and systematize your approach.

Tip 2: Eat Filling

500 calories may look like a piece of cake that will make you hungry in an hour, or like a steak that will give you energy for almost half a day. To avoid quitting and looking for snacks every half hour, plan your meals correctly:

  • Complex carbohydrates: cereals, potatoes, whole grains;
  • Fiber: fresh vegetables, greens, fruits;
  • Protein: meat, fish, eggs, beans;
  • The plate principle: half a serving of vegetables, a quarter of protein, a quarter of carbohydrates.

You can and should allow yourself “food for the soul”. The main thing is to do it consciously including it in your calorie intake and considering such dishes a pleasant compliment to your diet.

Tip 3: Physical Activity Is Your Friend in Achieving the Desired Weight

To keep your body fit, it is important to include physical activity in your life. And this does not necessarily mean a gym or grueling workouts: even regular walking at a gradualy increasing pace will give results.

You can choose the type of activity to your liking: swimming, dancing, running or just walking outside. The main thing is to do it systematically. And yes, you can't do without patience: first the muscles are “burned”, then the fat, and the so-called “problem areas” remain especially difficult to work out. Therefore, it is important to formulate the motivation correctly in order to achieve the result.

Tip 4: Follow Water-Intake Regimen

Start every morning with a simple but effective ritual, that is a glass of warm water, perhaps with a slice of lemon, to gently “start” your body to work. Drinking regimen plays no less a role than nutrition and helps maintain metabolism at a high level. The optimal amount of water can be easily calculated based on body parameters on the Internet.

Give yourself a treat of your favorite drinks, be it juice, coffee or tea. And if you like to add some sugar, don’t be put off by this. There are only 40 calories in 2 sugar cubes, so not that much to significantly affect the diet, but quite enough to please yourself.

Tip 5: Matcha Extreme Will Help You Vary Your Weight Loss Activity

To enhance the effect and make the weight loss process more enjoyable, I added Matcha Extreme to my diet. Why exactly this matcha? Because this powdered tea was developed by nutritionists, created on the basis of natural ingredients and has scientifically proven effectiveness, which contributes to:

  • Acceleration of metabolism;
  • Acceleration of calorie burning up to 43%;
  • Maintaining stable glucose levels;
  • Reducing overall body swelling;
  • Removing toxins;
  • Increasing energy levels;
  • Improving concentration.

Matcha Extreme can be added to porridge and make delicious smoothies. This tea has become my real assistant in losing weight.

6 Visible Results from Matcha Extreme

Combining tea with nutrition, water regimen, and physical activity, I saw the following results:

  • Cravings for sweets and “unhealthy” food decreased;
  • Overall well-being improved;
  • Body became tighter and lighter;
  • Drowsiness decreased and mood stabilized.

These results were not my personal discovery, many people also appreciated the effect of Matcha Extreme and shared their reviews.

96% of customers are happy to find their method of fighting excess weight.

“I don’t really like doing sports and healthy eating, I constantly fail to keep my diet, even if I am determined to achieve results. At first, I didn’t believe and doubted that some tea could help and give an effect, but I decided to try combining it with food and daily walking. And lo and behold! After 10-12 days, I noticed that I stopped wanting unhealthy foods so much, and I was full of energy and motivation. Feeling of heaviness in the mornings is gone, and I see a new reflection in the mirror. I am very happy with the result.”

Olivia, 34

“Matcha Extreme not only helped me lose weight, but also improved my activity during the day. I included tea in my morning routine, and now it’s easier for me to start the day. The lethargy and swelling disappeared, even my colleagues at work noticed that I became more energetic and focused. Of course, this is due to the maintenance of daily routine, nutrition, and sports, but the tea helped me achieve the result faster. I recommend it to everyone who wants to quickly see changes in the mirror.”

David, 41

“Matcha Extreme was a revelation for me! The tea really helps me feel more energetic and fight excess weight more effectively. I drink it instead of coffee, and it was my best decision. I have a surge of energy for sports, my appetite has returned to normal, especially in the evenings. I recommend it to everyone who wants to stay in shape.”

Susan, 28

Matcha Extreme: A Journey of Losing Weight Begins with One Step

Is that all? In general, yes, these are the main principles that helped me lose weight from 209.5 to 187.4 lb in 2 months without any difficulties. Perhaps they seem obvious, but firstly, not everyone catches this obviousness, and secondly, perhaps my experience will motivate someone. The main thing to remember is that self-improvement is not a one-time effort, but a lifestyle that needs to be maintained.

If you are ready and want to vary a little the weight loss process, Matcha Extreme can be a great helper. Add healthy powder to drinks and meals and enjoy losing extra pounds.

Thank you for reading to the end. I sincerely hope that my advice will help you change your life for the better.